From our deconstruction of hundreds of Hollywood blockbusters at Hero's Journey is the template upon which the vast majority of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon. In fact Mikhail Sergachev Lightning Jersey , ALL of the Hollywood movies we have deconstructed are based on this template.
Understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters.
The Hero's Journey:
a) Attempts to tap into unconscious expectations the audience has regarding what a story is and how it should be told.
Separated from the Ordinary World: sister taken away.
Meeting the Mentor: the mother geisha.
No Way Back: too late to send her back now.
First Threshold: upstairs.
Warning Resistance: mother will hear you.
Meeting the Shape Shifter: Pumpkin; your family sold you to this house; you live here now.
Magical gift: clothes from mother.
Push back to the Old World: how will I find my sister.
Resistance: there are too many houses.
Developing the Antagonism: Hatsumomo; so this is the new arrival.
Polarization: stay out of my room; I can't have you touching my things.
Elixir: by the age of 20 she had already earned back her purchase price.
Pushed to the First Threshold: go; don't be late.
Resisting the First Threshold: I'm going to run and find sister.
Fish out of Water: clumsily learning the dance steps.
Foreshadow of the Physical Separation: seeing Hatsumomo with a man.
Forced to the Inner Cave: go to Hatsumomo's room.
Inner Cave: why look who's in my room; where is my sister?
Foreshadow of the Physical Separation: Hatsumomo arrives home drunk.
Sayuri forced to ruin the Kimono.
Foreshadow of the Transformation Mentor: delivering the Kimono to Mameha.
Inner Cave: Mother beats Sayuri.
Pushed to the Belly of the Whale: Hatsumomo tells Sayuri where her sister is.
Belly of the Whale: Sayuri finds her sister.
Preparing the Physical Spearation: arranging to steal money and leave.
Developing the Antagonism: finding Hatsumomo with a man.
Physical Separation: you will never see him again; what do you think Ryan Callahan Lightning Jersey , that a Geisha is free to love; no one is leaving here; Sayuri can't get out.
Goodbye to the Old World: your sister didn't wait for you. We are your only family now. Father and Mother dead; not a Geisha Brayden Point Lightning Jersey , but as a slave.
Meeting the Romantic Challenge: meeting the Chairman on the bridge.
Pushed to the Road of Trials and Transformation: from that on I vowed to become a Geisha and part of his world?.
World of the Transformation: Sayuri grown and assistant to the other Geishas.
Developing the Romantic Challenge: seeing the Chairman again.
Meeting the Transformation Mentor: Mameha arrives and negotiates for Sayuri.
Developing the Shape Shifter: Pumpkin pushed aside.
Foreshadow of the : meeting the Baron.
Trials and Transformation 1:
Mameha begins teaching Sayuri.
Time Pressure: we have no time to lose.
In the sauna.
In the dance class.
Learning instruments.
Learning to walk.
Brushing the ear.
The fans.
Antagonism: Hatsumomo watches.
The hair.
Guided by the Mentor: Mameha stops a man with a single look.
Transformed: Stopping the boy on the bike; you are ready; looking in the mirror.
New Name New Self: from this day on you will be known as Sayuri.
Trials and Transformation 2:
New World: entertaining guests.
Meeting the Baron et al.
Fish out of Water: messing up with the tea.
Dancing with the fan.
Putting down Hatsumomo.
Hatsumomo: "I shall destroy you?."
Going to the Sumo match.
Romantic Challenge: meeting the Chairman at the match.
Winning the General over Hatsumomo.
Romantic Challenge: the Chairman's hanky.
Trials and Transformation 3:
Cutting herself.
Meeting the Doctor.
Meeting the Oracle: slip it to Nobu.
Nobu gives Sayuri a gift.
Mameha is trying to instigate a bidding war for Sayuri's virginity.
Developing the Antagonism: Hatsumomo ruins Sayuri's chances with the Doctor.
Developing the Shape Shifter: Pumpkin finds out that Sayuri like the Chairman.
Journey to the Sword: the dance competition.
Guardian of the Sword: Hatsumomo angry about Sayuri's performance.
Seizing the Sword: winning the Dance Competition.
Pushed to the Near Death Experience: invited to the Barn's Estate.
Resisting the NDE: she is required elsewhere.
Pushed to the NDE: Hatsumomo gets involved; Chairman will be there.